Final Fantasy XIV has an extensive list of mounts that players can collect, but some are harder to come by than others. The following is a list of the top 15 rarest mounts in the game.
The ffxiv nightmare drop rate 2023 is a list of the top 15 rarest mounts in Final Fantasy XIV.
There are over 180 mounts in Final Fantasy XIV as of this writing. This increases with each subsequent patch.
Some amaze you with their beauty and melody, while others serve as showpieces to let others know you conquered a difficult task. Finally, there are some designed to make you grin (Fat Chocobo, for instance).
And this rating will guide you through those fantastic mounts that are either very uncommon or extremely difficult to get. Are you able to gather them all?
Well, I’ll tell you right now that when I first start with mounts, I treat them as if they were Pokémon.
Gwiber of Light (#15)
All Rights Reserved. Image source: Leif Seinhart / SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD.
How uncommon is it: 4 percent of active gamers own it. 5.3 has been released as a patch.
While this is uncommon at the time of writing, I believe that when more patches are released and characters may level up, this will become more common. The Gwiber of Light is a draconic creature that is drenched in light.
This horse comes with choral melody from the Seat of Sacrifice, as well as beautiful armor, golden eyes, and light flowing from his own body. How to acquire it: This is a drop from Level 80 Extreme of The Seat of Sacrifice.
Construct VI-S

How uncommon is it: 4.3 percent of active gamers own it. 5.4 has been released as a patch. A red-painted golem serves as the construct. It’s meant to move quicker because of the red paint. Nobody can tell you what the S stands for.
However, running about Eorzea under the hood of this massive metal machine may make you seem awesome.
This work, unfortunately, does not have its own music. Instead, the normal mount music is played.
However, running about within a huge golem, evocative of the gate guard in the classic film Labyrinth, is still a blast.
How to acquire it: Go to Faux Hollows and collect Faux Leaves. Faux Hollows is a weekly minigame that you may play after you’ve completed the current Unreal Trial. The Construct VI – S may be purchased for 600 Faux Leaves.
Gabriel Mark III (#13)

How uncommon is it: 6.9% of all active gamers own it. 5.45 was the last time a patch was released.
You’ll understand why it’s so wonderful if you stand on top of this winged metal beast in its splendor of gold and electric blue.
This mount, which resembles an aircraft with legs and changes form as it flies, is part of the Bozja theme and looks even better at night when it lights.
How to acquire it: Delubrum Regine is an uncommon drop in the 24-player duty Delubrum (can be found in treasure chests). This is a mission in the Bozja series.
12. Eden

How uncommon is it: 5.9% of active gamers own the game. 5.4 has been released as a patch.
This mount is essentially a gigantic Eden, complete with cape. Whether you desire it or not is ultimately determined by how cool you seem while riding this contraption.
An Au’Ra will cling to the bottom of it and exclaim, “Wow!”
Lalafells attach to the bottom tail higher up and seem to be hanging on for dear life… It also has the capability of firing a laser into the air. Of course, because she’s from Eden, she’ll bring Eden’s music with her.
How to get: Eternity is Eden’s promise. Raid on the Savages. This is a one-of-a-kind drop.
11. Tiger of War

How uncommon is it: 6.4 percent of active gamers own it. 5.0 has been released as a patch. For this magnificent monster, grind out Gunbreaker. Imagine how amazed people would be as you rode across the realm on the back of a massive armored saber tooth tiger.
The normal mount music is included with these kitties, as the troops who ride them into combat fondly refer to them. How to acquire it: As Gunbreaker, complete 300 dungeons (Level 61 and above), severe trials (61 and up), unreal trials, and 50/60/70 duty roulettes.
Triceratops is the tenth dinosaur

How uncommon is it: 0.9 percent of active gamers own it. 5.0 has been released as a patch. The Triceratops is a mount that may be used to hunt.
It is, after all, a dinosaur. Possibly one of your childhood’s most popular dinosaurs.
Who wouldn’t want one of these?
She’s really an uncommon sight, with fewer than 1% of Eorzea’s population being able to tame this beast. How to acquire it: In Norvrandt, kill 2000 A Rank Elite Marks and 1000 S Rank Elite Marks to receive a dinosaur.
9. Juedi

How uncommon is it: 4.3 percent of active gamers own it. 5.4 has been released as a patch.
Juedi means “ludicrously rapid horse” or “ludicrously speedy stallion whose feet no longer touch the earth.”
She’s a legendary black horse with a silver mane.
Her song comes from the Heavens on High, and it provides the perfect rhythm for her hooves as she whisks you across the world.
How to acquire it: Complete Heaven on High’s top floor. When you talk with the Cast-Off Confederate in the Ruby Sea, make sure you have all four Empyrean Reliquaries in your inventory. (Crick)
Tiger Centurio No. 8

How uncommon is it: Only 1.5 percent of current gamers own it. 4.0 has been released as a patch. He was a thorn in the clan’s side that they couldn’t bring themselves to kill.
They brought the cub inside and taught him how to ride.
This is a massive Tiger, yet he loves his riders and always comes when called.
To get this beast, you must complete two hunting accomplishments. Bring Your A Game V (slay 3,000 rank A elite marks) and Bring Your S Game V (slay 3,000 rank S elite marks) (slay 2,000 rank S elite marks).
7. Morbol

How uncommon is it: 3.6 percent of active gamers own it. 5.15 has been released as a patch.
The Morbols were a nightmare once upon a time.
Running from that poisoned breath appeared to be my last hope of life.
Now I can ride about on a Morbol, spraying my foul breath at both friends and enemies. What’s not to enjoy about this place?
How to obtain: This is a difficult one. First, you’ll need a blue mage party with undersized party disabled and quiet echo enabled (Use Party Hunter). Then you must do the following steps:
- Finish T5 of Bahamut’s Binding Coil
- Finish T4 of Bahamut’s Second Coil.
- T4 of Bahamut’s Final Coil must be completed.
- Finish The Father’s Burden (Savage)
- Complete The Son’s Burden (Savage)
- Complete The Creator’s Soul (Savage)
Construct VII is the sixth construct

All Rights Reserved. Image source: Meoni / SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD.
How uncommon is it: 2.7 percent of active gamers own it. 5.15 has been released as a patch.
This mount consists of a big silver metal contraption that you may fly about in.
During a fight, they (your GC) seized this from the Kobalds. And then put it up for sale after significant repairs.
This is how you came to get it as a prize for your contributions to your big company’s many triumphs.
How to acquire it: At Onsal Hakair, lead any of the three companies to 100 wins. (PVP)
Astrope is number five

How uncommon is it: 1.3 percent of active gamers own it. 3.3 has been released as a patch. Teachers put in long hours. So what better way to thank them for their efforts than to present them with a fully fledged Pegasus? Especially one as lovely as this, with seating for two.
Astrope is a stunning creature, dressed entirely in white and with feathery wings. Astrope only lets kind souls to mount atop its back, a privilege reserved for mentors. How to acquire it: Use the duty roulette mentor to complete 2000 tasks.
4. Chocobo Parade

How uncommon is it: 11 percent of active gamers own it. 2.4 has been released as a patch. Despite the fact that this mount has been accessible since patch 2.4 (2014), just 11% of players have obtained it!
When you’re slogging through dungeons and trials, it’s difficult to stand apart. When you do, though, the Parade Chocobo will greet you with its golden back.
This porky bird is one of those mounts that brings a grin to everyone’s face. It was well worth the effort to win his affection. How to acquire it: Collect 3000 player kudos.
3. Airship of the Gloria Class

How uncommon is it: 2.9 percent of active gamers own it. 3.2 has been released as a patch.
Yes, it’s a single-passenger airship mount. This is a miniature replica of a rotary-winged airship, allowing you to fly in comfort without being crowded by other passengers.
However, Square Enix may have gone a bit too tiny on the small scale. In this airship, there’s hardly enough space for you to stand.
How to acquire it: In the feast, win 200 matches. (PVP)

All Rights Reserved. Image source: Ziuvrex / SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD.
How uncommon is it: 0.5 percent of active gamers own it. 5.21 has been released as a patch.
I know we were all giddy with the prospect of riding a triceratops… But how about a pterodactyl ride?
That is exactly what mounts are for!
It’s huge, it’s cool, and it’s the envy of everyone who didn’t believe getting too engaged in making and collecting was worth their time.
This mount is for all of us hardworking gatherers and crafters – and he’s stunning!
How to acquire it: Collect 500,000 points for your soaring score (The Firmament).
1. Pegasus (Black)

How uncommon is it: Only 12% of current gamers own it. 3.4 has been released as a patch.
Only the Palace of the Dead has this magnificent black Pegasus with deep crimson wings and mane.
Find him in this palace and release him free, and he’ll always be willing to give you a ride if you ask.
It does, however, include the usual soundtrack, as do many other mounts. Despite the fact that we believe it should include PoTD music…
Because he had been confined in there for so long, he may have become tired of hearing it.
How to acquire it: Inside gold-rimmed bags on higher tiers of PotD. It’s a rare drop.
The ffxiv rarest items is a list of the top 15 most expensive mounts in Final Fantasy XIV.
Frequently Asked Questions
How many ff14 mounts are there
Can you get mounts from Palace of the dead?
You can get mounts from the Palace of the Dead, but you will need to have a high enough level in order to do so.
Are there faster mounts in Ffxiv?
There are faster mounts in FFXIV.